
V8 Spin
with Nikki

March 13 (Thursday)
at 5:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

10A Grendon Street

spots left
Bring your bike, your runners and prepare for a safe and fun ride! 

Please arrive at 5.15AM so that I can help you set your bike up on a trainer and connect to the Xplova Workout App.

What you need:
  • Bike - Bike shoes (if you have them) 
  • Bike tights (something comfortable) and singlet (no jersey as you will heat up) 
  • Hand towel (sweat towel) - you will sweat 
  • Well hydrated and rested body 
  • Water bottles 
  • Mobile Phone - Xplova Workout App
  • Laughter - you will need to laugh :) 
  • Optional Runners as a group will RunOffBike (ROB) so you will get to practice your transitions
Shower is available to refresh and change before heading to work. 

This session is included with the following Tri-ActiV8 memberships: 
Platinum Membership
Silver Membership

Optional prepay for a single session or buy our 10 PASS Casual Session at a discount rate of $130.00


V8 Spin (Ticket)

Class Price


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